What I Learned as an International Tattoo Artist

Over the past 15 years of being a professional tattoo artist, I have had the privilege of connecting with clients from all corners of the globe.

Through their stories and life lessons, I have experienced three impactful epiphanies that have shaped me both as an artist and as a person.

I’ve actually had so many realizations over the years, but for now lets start with three.

The first epiphany that struck me was the power of self-expression through art. Each client that walks through my studio doors brings with them a unique story, a personal journey that they are looking to commemorate on their skin. As I carefully ink their designs onto their bodies, I am always reminded of the immense significance of self-expression and the healing power of art. Through the intricate patterns and meaningful symbols that adorn their skin, I witness the transformation that takes place within them as they embrace their stories and wear them proudly for the world to see!

The second epiphany that I have learned is the importance of human connection and empathy. As a tattoo artist, I have the privilege of hearing the stories of my clients, of sharing in their joys and sorrows, their triumphs and struggles. Through these intimate conversations, I have come to realize the universal nature of human experience and the profound impact that our connections with others can have on our lives. In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, my studio has become a place of refuge, a sanctuary where people from all walks of life come together to share their stories, their energy, and their humanity.

The third epiphany that has touched me deeply is the lesson and the beauty of transformation and embracing change. As a tattoo artist, creating permanent markers of memories remind me of the transformation that each client goes through during their experience. I am constantly reminded of the nature of life and of transformation. Just as the ink seems to transform my clients in a way, so too do our lives evolve and change. Through my work, I have learned to embrace and find beauty in the fluidity of life's journey. Each tattoo that I create is a testament to the growth and accomplishments my clients experience in their lives. I also get to witness, with every session, the growth my clients undergo over the years of knowing them and tattooing them. This philosophy is a reminder that growth and transformation are inevitable parts of the human experience.

My journey as a professional tattoo artist has been a rich with so many experiences, lessons, and epiphanies. Through connecting with clients from all over the world and sharing in their stories and energy, I have learned the power of self-expression, the importance of human connection, and the beauty of transformation. As I continue on this path as an artist and as a person, I carry these lessons with me, allowing them to guide me in my work and in my interactions with others. For it is through these three impactful epiphanies that I have truly found my purpose as a tattoo artist – to create art that heals, connects, and inspires.

Thank you! <3 Sarah