Liability Release, Waiver, And Consent To Tattoo
[Snow Tattoo Artist, Sarah Gaugler making sure the client is comfortable and ready before beginning the tattoo session]
Any person/s submitting a tattoo request or entering the Studio (Snow Tattoo) agree and consent to be reffered to as “the Client” of Snow Tattoo and Artist, Sarah Gaugler, agrees to be bound by the following terms upon submitting the requirements needed for each tattoo request, and upon entry of the Studio, ALL POLICIES APPLY.
At the studio, Clients will be provided with all the information needed before the tattoo session. In addition, potential clients are expected to have done their due diligence and research prior submitting their tattoo request, before getting a tattoo.
Before the tattoo session, Clients will be required to sign a release of liability waiver, consent to tattoo, and release form.
What is a Tattoo Release of Liability Waiver?
A release of liability waiver is a legal document. When you sign it, you effectively sign away your legal right to recover damages due to specified activities and operations. Businesses, organizations, and other entities often require that customers sign waivers before they receive a service or participate in an activity.
Do All Tattoo Shops Require Clients to Sign a Tattoo Release of Liability Waiver before receiving a tattoo?
Yes, A tattoo waiver will consist of several clauses that outline the various risks involved in getting a tattoo. By signing the waiver, the client will be acknowledging that they understand and accept these risks, and waive the rights to any issues against the tattoo studio, artists, employees or associates related to the studio.
Snow Tattoo’s Consent to Tattoo Policy and Waiver:
In consideration of receiving a tattoo from SARAH GAUGLER (the "Artist") at SNOW TATTOO (the "Studio"), (together with its employees, apprentices and agents at Snow Tattoo), all Clients acknowledge, and agree to the following:
All Clients of Snow Tattoo confirm and acknowledge that they submitted their tattoo application freely and voluntarily, that they are 18+ with valid proof of ID provided, and intend a complete and unconditional release of Snow Tattoo, Artists, Employees, Apprentices and Agents at Snow Tattoo from all liability, in regards to the tattoo design, the final completed tattoo design/ result, healing, from any and all claims or causes of action that Snow Tattoo clients, client’s estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for personal injury or otherwise, including any direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from the application of the tattoo, whether caused by the negligence or fault of either the Artist / Tattoo Studio, the Client , or otherwise, to the greatest extent allowed by law.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo WAIVE AND RELEASE to the fullest extent permitted by law each of the Artist (Sarah Gaugler) and the Studio (together with its Employees, Apprentices and Agents at Snow Tattoo) from all liability whatsoever, for any and all claims or causes of action that clients, (including but not limited to client’s estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for personal injury or otherwise), including any direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from the application of the tattoo, whether caused by the negligence or fault of either the Artist / Tattoo Studio, The Client , or otherwise.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo have been fully informed of the inherent risks associated with getting a tattoo.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo fully understand that these risks known and unknown can lead to injury, including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment, latex gloves, and/or soap.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo, having been informed of the potential risks associated with getting a tattoo, and still wishes to proceed with the tattoo application, freely accepts and expressly assume any and all risks that may arise from tattooing,
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree to be free from the influence of alcohol or drugs, is voluntarily submitting to be tattooed by the Artist without duress or coercion.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree: That both the Artist and the Studio have given full opportunity to ask any and all questions about the application of the tattoo, and questions have been answered to the Client’s total satisfaction before the tattoo session.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that the Artist and the Studio have given instructions on the care of the tattoo while it's healing, which will be followed for best results. Clients acknowledge that if healing instructions are not followed, it is possible that the tattoo can become infected or not heal as desired. If any touch-up work to the tattoo is needed due to Client’s negligence, All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that the work will be done at the Client’s own expense.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree they not have a mental impairment that may affect their judgment in getting the tattoo.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree, Neither the Artist nor the Studio is responsible for the meaning or spelling or the symbol or text that was provided or described to them, or chosen from the flash (design) sheets or artworks.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and recognize that any illustration, artwork, and tattoo is a fixed and tangible medium of expression and the original work of authorship and copyright for the artwork/tattoo is owned by the Artist. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and acknowledge that all designs created by the Artist are the Artist's intellectual property and the Studio does not license any of these designs for client or commercial reproduction.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge that variations in colour and design may exist between the tattoo art I have selected and the actual tattoo when it is applied to my body. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Understand that over time, the colors and the clarity of the tattoo may possibly fade due to unprotected exposure to the sun and the naturally occurring dispersion of pigment under the skin. If any touch-up work to the tattoo is needed over time or due to natural occurrences, all Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that the work will be done at the Client’s own expense.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that they do not have diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, a heart condition, nor do I take blood-thinning medication, nor do they have any other medical or skin condition that may interfere with the application or healing of the tattoo. Clients confirm they are not a recipient of an organ or bone marrow transplant or, if are, have taken the prescribed preventive regimen of anti-biotic that is required by their doctor in advance of any invasive procedure such as tattooing, and are not pregnant or nursing.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge that a tattoo is a permanent change to the physical appearance of the client and can only be removed by saline procedures, laser or surgical means, which can be disfiguring and/or costly and which in all likelihood will not result in the restoration of the skin to its exact appearance before being tattooed.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo waive and release any and all liability to the fullest extent permitted by law each of the Artist (Sarah Gaugler) and the Studio (together with its Employees, Apprentices and Agents at Snow Tattoo) from all liability whatsoever, for any and all claims or causes of action that Clients, Client’s estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for personal injury or otherwise, including any direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from the application of the tattoo, whether caused by the negligence or fault of either the Artist / Tattoo Studio, The Client , or otherwise.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Confirm to fully understand that all forms of tattooing procedures, are a form of art, and results may vary depending on each individual’s own unique skin.
If Clients are undergoing PMU/Permanent Make Up/ Cosmetic Tattooing procedures, (the process of tattooing for the beautification and enhancement of the features of the face; where pigments get implanted under the dermis layer of the skin on the face, Clients have informed the Artist and the Studio of all my medical conditions and concerns.
All Snow Tattoo Clients Agree and confirm that they do not have any current or existing contraindications to any of the services provided at Snow Tattoo. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and are aware that they may be asked at any given time to provide a clearance note from their doctor or physician for certain health conditions.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Confirm that the studio rates were explained thoroughly during the design process, prior the tattoo application, and agree and understand the estimated rate provided by the Artist and the Studio, resulting to the Clients’ desired tattoo design during the tattoo session. All Clients of Snow Tattoo understand that rates are based on overall design, size, details, and placement. All Clients of Snow Tattoo understand and agree to complete the agreed upon price upon the completion of the Clients’ tattoo design. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Acknowledge that every artist has a different rate, which can depend on the shop's minimum or based on the tattoo design, size, detail, placement, and that there is no "standard price" for a tattoo. Every client will be given enough time to tell the artist what design they would like to have done and enough time to make alterations before signing the waiver and release forms and consent to tattoo. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that ALL services are non-refundable and all sales are final.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and are aware that the Studio requires documentation of before and after photos/videos and of the final result and Clients release all rights to any photographs and videos taken of the client and the tattoo and give consent in advance to their reproduction in print or electronic form. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and acknowledge that the tattoo design and final image is the intellectual property of the Artist. (If Clients do not want their face captured in photos, please advise and remind the Artist and the Tattoo Studio to only capture the tattoo.)
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree to reimburse each of the Artist and the Studio for any attorneys' fees and costs incurred in any legal action I bring against either the Artist or the Studio and in which either the Artist or the Studio is the prevailing party. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree that the courts of New York shall have personal jurisdiction and venue over me and shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the purpose of litigating any dispute arising out of or related to this agreement.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge that they have been given adequate opportunity to read and understand their Waiver and Consent to Tattoo Form before signing and that it was not presented to the Client at the last minute. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and understand that they are signing a legal contract waiving their rights to recover from any damages against the Artist and the Studio.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge that the Artist and the Studio has the right to forfeit their appointment, resulting in the loss of Clients’ deposit, at any given time, should Clients fail to adhere to the policies or any part of the tattooing procedure. Snow Tattoo Reserves the right to refuse services in it's descretion, including without limitation, if it is believed that clients' conduct violates applicable law or is harmful to the interests of Snow Tattoo, Artists, Employees, Apprentices and Agents at Snow Tattoo.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge that information indicated on this page is included in the Waiver and Consent to Tattoo provided and is required to be, initialed, dated, and signed by the Client, with accompanying valid government issued ID, before the tattoo session.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and hereby certify that all of the information (or any other accompanying required documents) provided to book and during Client’s Appointment is correct, accurate and complete. All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and understand that the falsification, misrepresentation or omission of any facts in said documents will be cause for fine or pentalty punishable by law.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge, understands and agrees to be bound by these terms upon submitting the requirements upon the tattoo request and upon entry of the Studio.
All Clients of Snow Tattoo Agree and Acknowledge TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS SIGNED IN THE WAIVER WITHOUT MODIFICATION. In the case of any violation of this agreement, Snow Tattoo reserves the right to seek all remedies available and will be reimbursed by the Client.
Deposits are non-refundable. All services are non-refundable.